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Fun on the High Ropes Course „Gate“ in Ettlingen

Harnessing the potential within groups with high and low ropes challenge courses and initiatives

The challenges were designed to deliver a team experience that involved both high and low elements and relied on group interdependence. 

First we faced targeted challenges that optimized our team’s effectiveness and that were focusing in on the group’s infrastructure. Students learned that group dynamics and teamwork can overcome an obstacle.  We developed problem-solving tools to reach a goal and every student in our group was responsible for either failure or success. That’s why we tried one of the challenges again at school when Mr Gewald visited our class teacher lesson the following week. 

Our trainers at „Gate“ showed us how to use the gear properly. Then we stepped outside our everyday comfort zone in a supportive environment. We could be part of the climbing crew or the ground crew. Nobody was forced to take risks but some of us took a risk and were proud to reach the top. The teachers hope to have inspired the students to transfer the lessons learned to the school environment.

We were greeted warmly be Kersten and Martina, our trainers. We were told a few rules and then we went over to the first exercise. We had to run under a rope that our trainers were swinging without touching it. First every student ran on his or her own, then in small groups and at last we ran as one group. Then came the second exercise. We had to touch a tennis ball as fast as possible. At first we were really slow. It think it took us almost two minutes but in the second try we were already much faster. In the last try we did it in three seconds and for me that was the highlight because it showed that we can work together well. Then we played the “Ocean Game” in which we were not as successful. That is why we tried it again a few days later in school. Then we were finally allowed to climb but of course Martina and Kersten showed us first how to use the gear. There were two stations. One was 5 meters high, the other was 11 meters high. Some did not dare to climb that high, but it didn’t matter. I have already been to several high ropes courses but it is always something special when you are at the top. The view from up there was great. But I still find that the park is a bit too small. Nevertheless, it was a great experience and I’m glad we went to “Gate” together.